Digital Media and the Law

The Many Facets of Digital Media Law

The term digital media has many different meanings. A term that once referred to any type of media that was transmitted digitally now is an all-encompassing umbrella covering multiple types of media and formats. When legal issues arise in social media, digital art, design, or web-based production, you need to turn to a team that has stood at the forefront of the digital movement.

The team at BLG has been actively involved in the changing digital landscape. Since the creation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, BLG has maintained its edge in the digital legal arena, serving as an arbitrator regarding the laws on non-solicited pornography and marketing or “CAN-SPAM” and their involvement in the Viacom/YouTube case relating to web owner liability.

We Wrote the Book on Media Access

With digital media and technology changes continuing at break-neck speed, judges, regulators, and lawmakers are striving to keep up. Boesch literally wrote the book on media access to court proceedings. The Boesch Law Group provides guidance and handling of both routine and high-profile matters.

Whether you are looking to protect your digital art, new digital media technology, defend your rights to free speech and self-expression or guard the integrity of your commercial internet website, then you need competent entertainment lawyers who are aware of the developing and ever-changing federal and state laws that regulate the digital domain.

When your digital presence is at stake, trust our experience.

We’re here for you.

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If you are seeking the most skilled and qualified representation, contact the Boesch Law Group today to schedule a consultation.