Fraud and Misrepresentation

Fraudulent & Negligent Misrepresentation

Society tells stories about how business used to be conducted by a handshake and how someone’s word was their bond. There was no need for written contracts, and breach of contract was not as prevalent, because people were honest. Except, we all know that was never true. Fraudulent misrepresentation is a false statement made, orally, in writing, or implied by conduct that is made recklessly and without regard for its truth or a false promise made without any actual intention to perform an act. This means that if one party knew they were lying, then their handshake or conduct could be viewed as fraud, if the other party relied on that information. When one party provides information that they did not have a basis to believe was the truth, then courts may find that negligent misrepresentation was committed.

Are You a Victim of Fraud?

A victim of fraud may recover punitive damages in addition to actual damages, awarding them an amount over and above the amount to compensate the victim for the harm suffered.

The Boesch Law Group is no stranger to fraud claims. When a BLG client entered a deal to sell his surfboard design company, he was promised just compensation. Instead, he received no payments and had the purchasers start a competing surfboard company in the same facility which prevented them from making money to pay for the purchase. When the lawyers at BLG took the case to trial, their client was awarded a verdict of over $4.6 million, and BLG was awarded a Top Verdicts Award for achieving one of the top 100 highest verdicts in the nation. That verdict has now been preserved as the Court of Appeal of the State of California Fourth Appellate District ruled that the judgment and postjudgment order are affirmed.

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