marketing & licensing

“Just Do It.” “A Diamond is Forever.” “The Breakfast of Champions.” “Taste the Rainbow.”

All these expressions have worked their way into our daily life. We know the product by the pitch. This is mainstream marketing. But in our connected world, we have become less aware of the more subtle marketing. Nike has branded our shoes. Old Navy has put their name across our chest, and when we leave the grocery store, we are carrying little Ralphs billboards. We don’t even have to leave the house to be influenced. Ads come right to our phones. Our email and social media are making sure that we are always aware of the new product, but don’t worry, there are ways to control this flood of marketing information.

The CAN-SPAM act sets forth requirements that marketing emails provide consumers the option to “unsubscribe” from future communications. It also governs how emails are sent – spammers are not allowed to use a false or misleading header, and an actual, legitimate email address must generate the emails. In addition to criminal penalties, CAN-SPAM allows for civil causes of action against Internet Service Providers for damages incurred due to receiving emails that violate the terms of the act.

With digital media and technology changes continuing the break-neck speed, judges, regulators, and lawmakers are striving to keep up. The Boesch Law Group entertainment litigation lawyers provide guidance and handling of both routine and high-profile legal matters.

Whether you are sending or receiving the emails, we can help you serve it without a side of SPAM.


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