Wrongful Death of Bride and Her Friends Killed in Limousine Fire

auto accident attorney

Tragic California Wrongful Death Case In the California Bay Area, five women, including a bride, were killed while on their way to a bridal shower when their limousine – a 1999 Lincoln Town Car – suddenly caught fire on a San Francisco bridge. Four other passengers escaped with injuries including burns and smoke inhalation and […]

The Sport of Headhunting

litigator selection process

By Philip W. Boesch, Jr. Reprinted with permission – www.westsidetoday.com To Litigate or Not to Litigate Litigation is a nasty business, an expensive process which usually leaves the underdog deep under. But it is the system we have for ordinarily civilized people to resolve conflict, so as to come to a settlement no one is […]

One Against a Billion

anna nicole smith

By Philip W. Boesch, Jr Reprinted with permission – www.westsidetoday.com A Mind-Numbingly Tragic End Start with the young beauty, out there in every sense, with the rich older man. Add the scandalous theft of oil billions by bribery and forgery. Mix in sensational front-page death with uninformed legal opinions. Finish with a baby girl whose […]